Guide to Mineral Rights and Royalty Ownership in 2025

As a Mineral and Royalty Owner, you have experienced that the last few years have been interesting. From 2020 to 2024 mineral rights owners have seen both ups and downs and the swing has been significant. The really great news is that things are still very good in the market now for any owners thinking of selling. Our clients had a ton of success stories in 2023 and 2024, and we expect that to continue in 2025. If you are looking to sell your mineral and royalties in 2025, we can help ensure you sell for maximum value!

What can you expect to receive if you sell your royalties? Read on in this post. We’ll break down everything you need to know about mineral and royalty rights ownership in 2025.

US Mineral Exchange has been helping mineral owners since 2012. We understand the mineral rights marketplace better than anyone. We will share knowledge of what the industry expects and how that will impact you as a mineral owner.

If you still have questions after reading this, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page. We respond to nearly all inquiries within a few hours, so we can quickly answer your questions.

Whether you want to sell mineral and royalty rights, obtain a value for mineral rights, are curious about the tax impacts of mineral rights ownership, or simply want to stay up to speed, we can help you navigate mineral rights ownership in 2025.

This guide will cover the following topics related to mineral rights ownership. If you want to skip ahead, just click on the links below to skip to that section:

By the end of the article, you’ll have a clear understanding of the mineral rights market today!


Download our free mineral rights guide now! Learn more about your mineral rights.

Last Updated on January 3, 2025,
by Garrett Phelan

Garrett Phelan

CEO of US Mineral Exchange with over 26 years of experience in the oil and gas industry and nearly two decades spent helping clients navigate the complexities of the mineral rights industry.

Oil and Gas Market Update for Mineral Owners

How will current energy markets affect you as a mineral and royalty owner? There’s a lot happening all over the world and at home, so let’s take a closer look at what promises to be a very interesting year.

Elections Results in 2025 Will Have a Strong Impact on the Industry

During his first presidency, Trump focused heavily on rolling back environmental regulations that were seen as barriers to the oil and gas industry. For example, he dismantled a number of Obama-era regulations designed to curb carbon emissions, such as the Clean Power Plan, and reduced restrictions on drilling in federally owned lands. His administration also emphasized the importance of energy independence for the U.S., which involved increasing the country’s domestic oil and gas production. Trump’s election in 2024 would likely result in a similar regulatory environment, with reduced constraints on exploration and extraction, particularly in shale oil and natural gas.  Drill, Baby Drill as they say!

A return to these policies could lead to a significant uptick in U.S. oil production. With less regulatory burden, U.S. companies might accelerate investment in drilling technologies and exploration, particularly in shale regions such as the Permian Basin and the Bakken Formation. This would increase supply, potentially leading to downward pressure on oil prices in the short term. Higher domestic production would also give the U.S. more leverage in international markets, as it could export more oil and gas, contributing to a shift in global supply dynamics. The U.S. could become an even more significant player in global energy markets, which could influence OPEC’s pricing strategies.

For Mineral and Royalty Owners, the key here is more supply can result in downward pressure on pricing.  There is a case for current prices to drop and with that comes lower income for Royalty owners.

On the other hand, while Trump’s policies would likely provide short-term benefits to the oil and gas industry, especially in terms of production and market share, they could also have long-term implications for the broader energy transition. A second Trump presidency could slow the shift toward renewable energy by reducing incentives for clean energy projects, cutting funding for climate-related research, and eliminating renewable energy mandates. This would likely keep the fossil fuel industry more competitive in the short term and could hinder the growth of the green energy sector.

The longer-term impact on oil prices could therefore depend on the pace of the global transition to renewable energy. If the world continues to push for cleaner energy solutions despite U.S. policy, oil prices might face upward pressure as demand for oil decreases. However, if Trump’s policies succeed in prolonging fossil fuel reliance in the U.S. and other countries, oil prices could remain relatively stable or even rise, driven by higher demand and limited production growth from non-OPEC countries.

Only time will tell if prices will rise or fall in the new administration.

Permian Basin Remains the Focal Point for U.S. Energy Production

As one of the largest and most productive shale oil fields in the world, the Permian has long been a critical driver of U.S. oil output and has seen a resurgence in activity over the past several years.

The application of new technologies to improve efficiency in drilling and extraction processes has been an ongoing trend in the Permian Basin, and it likely continued to drive significant production gains in 2025. One of the most notable trends is the growing use of “big data” analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize drilling operations. AI has been employed to predict the most productive areas for drilling, optimize the spacing of wells, and improve the overall economics of extraction. Furthermore, advancements in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) technology have enabled operators to tap into previously inaccessible resources, further boosting production levels. Technological breakthroughs continued to enhance recovery rates and reduce operational costs in 2024 and as a result, the Permian Basin’s output reached new heights. A trend expected to continue in 2025.

Alongside technological improvements, there has been a very large uptick in Mergers and Acquisitions. In August of 2024, Forbes reported that the value of M&A deals in the industry totaled an “unprecedented” $250 billion.  While there certainly has been an increase across many plays including the DJ Basin, Bakken, and Haynesville, the Permian Basin remains the driver.  From Diamondback’s $26 Billion dollar acquisition of Endeavor Energy Resources, Occidental’s acquisition of Crownrock, LP, it was Exxon Mobil’s $60 Billion acquisition of Pioneer Resources that was the big story in the Permian.

The good news for Permian mineral rights owners is that, as productive as the basin already is, producers still covet its abundance of undeveloped acreage. Over the last few years, ever-improving technology and recovery methods have allowed the Permian to regularly set monthly and daily production records, no matter the daily price.

The Permian and Delaware Basins are still the best places on earth to own—and sell—mineral rights. And the area where we see significant demand and gain the highest sales prices for our clients!

Inflation Calms Down Somewhat

The Consumer Price Index inflation rate reported in December of 2024 stated a 2.7% increase over the past 12 months, much less than the last two previous year’s. The lower 2024 numbers were helped at least in part by the fact that oil remained in the $70 per barrel vicinity most of the year. The Federal Reserve’s pause and even lowering of the Fed Funds interest rates also played a part in keeping prices relatively in normal range. One of the most direct ways inflation impacts oil prices is through higher production costs. Inflation typically leads to higher prices for goods and services across the economy, including those related to oil extraction, transportation, and refining.  And while Demand Destruction was the big concern in 2024, the U.S. consumer was resilient and the impact on prices negligible. The hope is that by the end of 2025, inflation will have cooled off even more, which is expected to result in an increased investment in oil production and consumer demand increases.


In 2025, the ongoing tension between the United States and OPEC+ is expected to play a pivotal role in shaping global energy markets. OPEC+, a coalition of oil-producing nations led by Saudi Arabia and Russia, has maintained a strategy of controlling oil supply to stabilize or raise oil prices. The U.S., on the other hand, has become a dominant player in global oil production due to the shale boom, often pursuing policies aimed at energy independence and lower fuel prices.

While the U.S. benefits from this increased production, OPEC+ continues to wield significant power over global oil prices by adjusting output levels. As the global economy transitions toward greener energy solutions, both sides face challenges: OPEC+ must contend with the growing shift to renewable energy, and the U.S. faces domestic political pressure to reduce fossil fuel dependence in favor of clean energy initiatives. In this context, the U.S. may push for policies that encourage global oil price stabilization, while OPEC+ may resist these changes to maintain its influence.  However, with the most recent U.S. elections and a change in both the House and the Senate leadership, this push is likely to be less of a focus for the foreseeable future.

Moreover, geopolitical factors, including U.S.-Russia tensions and Middle East instability, could further complicate negotiations between the two sides. The rivalry in 2025 could see the U.S. leveraging its technological advancements in renewable energy and energy storage, while OPEC+ may seek to maintain oil’s dominance in the energy sector, leading to an increasingly complex and competitive energy landscape.

Selling Mineral and Royalty Rights in 2025

Since prices and demand are expected to stay in what is historically considered a normal range throughout 2025, we can help you maximize the sale of your minerals and royalties. Right now we are seeing very high demand and nice premiums for minerals and royalties soon after listing. We expect 2025 will continue to the strong trend of the last 36 months. It should be a fantastic year to capitalize on a strong market!

Types of Mineral Rights Ownership

Before we dive in, it’s important to define what types of mineral rights ownership you could have. Mineral rights ownership can be complex. There are a number of different ways to own mineral rights.

At the most basic level, mineral rights ownership is simply owning oil and gas that is beneath the surface. This ownership is generally measured on a mineral acre basis. A mineral acre roughly aligns to a surface acre. For example, if you owned 1 acre of surface rights that included mineral rights, your ownership in the oil and gas would be measured as 1 mineral acre.

Where things get confusing is when ownership gets split up. Typically the mineral rights are not owned by the same person as the surface owner. In addition, you have the ability to sell different depths, overrides, non-participating interests, etc which makes mineral rights ownership much more confusing. The value of mineral rights depends on many factors and the type of ownership you have is one of them.

Tip: On your check stub, your interest type should be defined. Typically by an RI, NPRI, ORRI/OR, etc so you can quickly determine what type of ownership you have.

Mineral Rights Ownership Types Explained

RI – Royalty Interest

The most basic type of mineral rights ownership is a royalty interest (RI on check stubs). A royalty interest owner has all rights and authority to the mineral ownership they have.

NPRI – Non-participating Royalty Interest

An NPRI is when you own the mineral rights, but you do not have a right to lease the mineral rights or collect a lease bonus payment when the mineral rights are leased. You also do not collect rental payments. With an NPRI interest, you effectively have the same ownership as a royalty interest but you don’t get to negotiate your own lease or collect lease bonuses. See executive rights below for more information.

Executive Rights

The executive rights are the rights to negotiate a lease. With an NPRI interest, you don’t have the rights to lease as those rights are owned by the person who has the executive rights. The person with the executive rights will negotiate the lease and collect the lease bonus. If you own the executive rights, you have an incentive to negotiate the worst lease terms possible for mineral owner. The reasons is that you will get a higher lease bonus. For example, if a company approaches you to lease and offer $1,000/acre for a 25% lease or a $2,500/acre for a 12.5% lease, you would take the $2,500/acre lease bonus with a 12.5% royalty. Since the NPRI owner will collect the royalties, you don’t care if it’s a 25% lease because you won’t get the royalty income.

ORRI – Overriding Royalty Interest

An overriding royalty interest (ORRI or OR on check stubs) means that you have a right to the royalty income, but you have no mineral rights ownership. An ORRI is created when a lease is signed. For example, let’s say ABC Lease approaches you and you agree to lease your mineral rights at 20%. ABC Lease then approaches XYZ Operating and leases your mineral rights to them for 22%. ABC lease has just created a 2% ORRI for themselves based on any production from the lease. If XYZ Opearting drills a well, the mineral owner will get 20% of the royalty income and ABC Lease will get 2%, while the operator takes the remaining 78%. When the lease expires, so does the ORRI.

WI – Working Interest

If you own a working interest, you are participating with the operator as a partner in drilling the well. Think of Working Interest as being an owner in a company, but instead of a company, you own an oil and gas well. As an owner of the company, you are responsible for all the drilling, completion, and operational costs. Each month you will be entitled to your share of the income from operations, but also your share of the expenses. A working interest is substantially more risk. At some point, the revenue being generated by the wells is less than the expenses. In this case, you actually owe money each month to keep the well operating even though it’s operating at a loss.

Status of Mineral Rights Ownership

Above we have explained the different types of mineral ownership you can have. Regardless of what type of mineral rights ownership you have, the status of your mineral rights can be different. Mineral rights fall into one of three categories.

Non-Producing Mineral Rights

At one point, everyone started out with non-producing mineral rights that were not actively leased. If that is still the case for you, these types of mineral rights have very little to no value at all. Until you are approached by an operating to lease the mineral rights, it would be very difficult to find a mineral buyer.

Leased Mineral Rights

Before a well can be drilled on your mineral rights, they must first be leased. A mineral lease gives a company the right to drill for oil and gas. You will be approached to lease your mineral rights before drilling occurs. Typically a company will offer a 3 or 5 year lease. The lease will also include a royalty percentage which is your share of the oil and gas income. The higher your royalty percentage, the more money you will make as oil and gas is produced. The company who leases your property will also pay you a lease bonus for signing this agreement. A lease bonus could be anywhere from $50/acre to $7,500+/acre.

Producing Mineral Rights

After your mineral rights are leased, the company has the right to drill and start producing oil and gas. If this occurs, you now have producing mineral rights. Each month you will get a check for your share of the production. The amount you get will be based on the price of oil or gas, your royalty percentage, taxes, expenses, etc..

Mineral Rights Value in 2025

One of the most challenging things about mineral rights ownership is understanding value. The market value of mineral rights changes constantly. In addition, there is no clear way to determine the value of mineral rights.

Many mineral owners believe that mineral rights are like a home. You can quickly check some type of service like Zillow or Redfin, and determine mineral rights value. It’s simply not possible.

If you want to learn about mineral rights value, carefully read the sections below. We will explain everything you need to know about how to value mineral rights.

Factors Affecting Mineral Rights Value

The first thing to understand is that mineral rights value is determined based on many factors. In addition, each individual factor can swing the value of mineral rights by 10%, 20%, or even 30%+ very quickly.

For simplicity’s sake, let’s take oil prices as a good example.

As the price of oil swings up and down, the underlying value of your mineral rights also varies. Your mineral rights are generally valued based on the number of barrels of oil underground times the current price.

Over the last two years the price of oil has bounced up and down between $120 per barrel and around $70 and everything in between. That whole range is well above the level at which most wells are profitable, so producers have returned to action—although at lower activity rates than those prices previously would have caused. The reluctance is mainly due to investor issues, as stated above.

Just that one factor, price, can swing the value of your mineral rights by more than 100%.

In addition to oil prices, here are some other factors that can easily swing the value of your mineral rights:

  • Nearby Production

  • Remaining Wells to be Drilled

  • Active Permits

  • Mineral Buyers

  • Politics

  • Royalty Percentage

  • Price of Gas

  • Operator

  • Lease Terms

  • Age of Existing Wells

Any one of the factors above could swing the value of your mineral right substantially. This is why you need competitive bids for your mineral rights. Your goal is simple, to get the highest price today based on all of these current factors. When you sell mineral rights at US Mineral Exchange, we can help you get the property in front of thousands of mineral buyers to ensure the best price.

Market Value of Mineral Rights

While there are many factors that affect mineral rights value, what ultimately matters is the market value of mineral rights. Market value is what a mineral buyer is willing to pay TODAY for your mineral rights.

We talk to a lot of mineral owners. One of the most common things we hear mineral owner say is, “oil prices will eventually go up, so I want a premium price”. That’s not how market value works!

Imagine owning a home. The home is in a decent neighborhood, but needs major rehab to get that home back into good shape. If you were selling the home, would you expect to get the same price for your house as a house that was recently renovated that’s in an A+ neighborhood? Of course not! Imagine trying to convince a buyer that the home will be worth more in the future when the neighborhood gets better and prices rise.

Unfortunately, mineral owners do this all the time. They expect to receive a value today based on what the mineral rights might be worth years from now.

The most important thing to understand about mineral rights value is that your mineral rights are worth what a buyer is willing to pay today. Period. Rumors about more wells being drilled, oil prices heading higher, new pipelines, or anything else is simply speculation. At US Mineral Exchange, we can tell you what is happening around your area, removing speculation so you “know your neighborhood”.

If you want to sell mineral rights you need to be willing to accept the best market price available. This is exactly what we do at US Mineral Exchange. We market your mineral rights to thousands of the industry’s best mineral buyers to ensure the best price. If you sell mineral rights on your own by taking the shotgun approach, you’re almost guaranteed to sell below market value.

How to Estimate Mineral Rights Value

Another common question we get from mineral owners is how to estimate mineral rights value. It’s important to understand that the best indicator of market value when it comes to selling is the highest offer. It is not appraisals for estate evaluations. The key is to find legitimate and qualified mineral buyers.

We see a lot of mineral owners get 2 or 3 offers and then assume the highest one is fair market value. Don’t fall into that trap! While offers may be a good estimate of mineral rights value, it doesn’t mean your highest offer is really the best price available.

With that in mind, below is a good rule of thumb for mineral rights value. Keep in mind that the status of your mineral rights we described above will play a role in value.

  • Producing Mineral Rights: While there are many factors that play a role in producing mineral rights value, you might expect to get about 4 years to 6 years times your average annual income. Take your last 3 royalty checks and find the total, then divide that number by 3 to get your average monthly royalty over the last 3 months. However, please note that it is often the value for producing minerals are significantly more than this general rule of thumb. There are many factors that will cause you to get more or less than this range.
  • Leased Mineral Rights: In the past, mineral rights value for leased mineral rights has fallen in the range of 2x to 3x lease bonus. Recent market conditions have challenged this rule of thumb but we expect over time that this will once again hold true.
  • Non-Producing Mineral Rights: If you have mineral rights that are not currently leased or producing royalty income, you have non-producing mineral rights. Unless you have had a recent offer, the value of these mineral rights is likely very low. It is not uncommon for offers to be less than $100/acre.

Received an offer? If you received an offer to sell mineral rights and it falls in the range (or even above!) what we are showing, do not accept the offer. The estimates above are just a general rule of thumb for mineral rights value. The only way to get the best price is through competition. We have helped many of our clients sell minerals and royalties that are producing less than $1,000/Month for Multiple Millions!!

To learn more about what your mineral rights might be worth, check out our estimate mineral rights value page.

Maximizing Mineral Rights Value

We have talked a bit about market value and estimating value, but how do you actually sell mineral rights for maximum value? The key is competition!

A lot of mineral owners take the shotgun approach to selling mineral rights. They reach out to a few buyers online, receive a few offers in the mail, negotiate a deal, and assume they got a fair price. This is not the way to get the best price.

Mineral buyers all evaluate your property differently. Each buyer has a unique formula they use to come up with value. Remember the factors we mentioned above? All of these plus many more are used to come up with an offer. With all these factors coming into play, the offers will vary widely. You may have noticed that yourself based on offers you have received in the mail.

The key to getting maximum value when selling mineral rights is competition. You need to get your mineral rights in front of thousands of buyers. This is the only way to ensure you sell for the best price. You may be happy with a $250,000 offer because that’s a lot of money, but what if it was worth $300,000 or more? When you accepted that $250,000 offer you may have been happy with it, but you left $50,000+ on the table.

To ensure you sell mineral rights for the best price possible, you need multiple buyers bidding on your mineral rights. By marketing your interest to a nationwide market of mineral buyers, you allow each buyer to compete for your mineral rights, allowing you to maximize your sales price. When you list at US Mineral Exchange, we get your mineral rights in front of thousands of the leading mineral and royalty buyers to ensure you sell for the best price. Already have an offer? No problem. If we can’t get you a higher price we don’t make a dime. It is very rare that we do not beat an existing offer and most of the time substantially.

Mineral Rights Appraisals

A lot of mineral owners are looking for a mineral rights appraisal. You may be trying to determine your tax basis for inherited mineral rights or figuring out if you qualify for medicaid, but if for selling your rights, you should be cautious.

Mineral rights appraisals are virtually worthless in our opinion. Why? A mineral rights appraisal will almost never match up to the reality of the market. These estimates of value look at the EUR or estimated useful reserves. Then they estimate oil prices and all the other factors listed above. Then they try and tell you what the market value of these mineral rights might be. They are always wrong and nearly always way too high!

Paying for a mineral rights appraisal is a waste of money in most cases. Only a true offer from a legitimate mineral buyer can give you a good idea of what the property might be worth. Only listing at US Mineral Exchange will show you the absolute market value of mineral rights.

Understanding Mineral Buyers

Who are Mineral Rights Buyers

Mineral buyers come in many shapes and sizes. It depends a lot on the value of your mineral rights. If you are selling a $25,000 property, the buyer might just be a wealthy individual with some mineral rights ownership experience. If you are selling a $500,000+ property, the mineral buyer will typically be private equity backed.

Private equity backed mineral buyers typically get a lump sum of money to invest each year. These mineral buyers are very sophisticated and thoroughly understand the investments. Even still, private equity backed mineral buyers will have a wide range in what they are willing to offer. Some mineral buyers take on more risk and pay higher prices. Some are very focused on buying mineral rights in a certain area and will pay a high price if you fall within their area.

A lot of mineral owners think that the operator, who pays you royalties, would be a potential mineral buyer. While operators do sometimes buy mineral rights they often do not pay fair market value.

Why Mineral Buyers Buy Mineral Rights

There are three types of mineral buyers. Unfortunately, a lot of mineral owners end up working with a flipper or sell for profit mineral buyer. Doing so will cost you thousands of dollars or waste significant time. There are obvious signs you are working with the wrong type of mineral buyer if you know what to look for.

Flippers – We hesitate to call flippers mineral rights buyers. Flippers typically have no money. A flipper will make you an offer for mineral rights but they have no intention of actually buying your mineral rights. They also likely can’t afford to buy them. Instead, these “mineral buyers” will claim to be buying your mineral rights and get you to sign a contract agreeing to a certain price point.

Let’s assume a flipper got you to agree to $2,500/acre. That flipper will then go out to other actual mineral buyers and then try and ‘flip’ the contract. They will find a real buyer who wants to buy your mineral rights for $3,500/acre. If they are successful, you just paid a 40% commission rate!

Would you sell your home if the broker wanted 40% to list the property? NO! If they aren’t successful, they wasted your time and set the expectation that your mineral rights are worth more than the market was willing to pay.

Sell for Profit – There are a large number of mineral buyers who do have the funds to actually purchase your mineral rights. However, they still turn around and sell quickly for a profit. A lot of mineral owners make the mistakes of thinking, “Well I don’t care what they do with it after I sell”. You should care because you might be leaving a huge amount of money on the table!

Consider this. We have a number of mineral buyers who buy mineral rights from you and then come list with us.

We have literally talked to mineral owners in the past who wouldn’t list because they want to take the shotgun approach. A short time later, a mineral buyer approaches us and wants to sell the exact property of the mineral owner we just talked. We end up selling the property and the mineral buyers makes a hefty profit.

Why does this happen? The mineral buyer can buy from you at a lower price (with no competition), then come list the mineral rights with us and get a better price and make a quick profit.

Why shouldn’t that be you getting the higher price? When you sell mineral rights on your own, you risk leaving a lot of cash on the table.

Long Term Hold – As a mineral owner, your goal is to find a true end buyer. A mineral buyer who does not want to turn around and sell the mineral rights. They want to own the mineral rights for the long term, and therefore, will pay the best pricing.

A lot of these private equity backed mineral buyers do not market! They rely on services like ours to bring them deals. Some of them don’t even have a website!

Can you tell the difference? A lot of mineral owners go under contract with a flipper or sell for profit mineral buyer and never realize they were taken advantage of. To get maximum value, you need to work with a true end buyer. At US Mineral Exchange, our process is designed to ensure you only work with long term hold mineral buyers.

Mineral Buyer Red Flags

We don’t recommend taking the shotgun approach to selling mineral rights, but if you do here are just a few of the red flags to look out for:

  • Short Deadlines: Any buyer who wants you to make a decision within a few days should be concerning.
  • Long Closing: If a mineral buyer needs more than 30 days to close, this is a red flag. There are some cases where it is warranted.
  • Insane Values: Did you get an offer far above any offer you have ever seen? This could be a flipper just trying to get you to pick up the phone. We call this a teaser offer.
  • High Pressure: If the mineral buyer a high pressure sales person? Legit mineral buyers will not put a lot of pressure on you.
  • No Basis: Did you get an offer in the mail with no basis for the offer? IE just a number with no indication of how many acres you own, your royalty income, etc?

These are just a few of the many red flags to look out for with mineral buyers. It is easy to make a bad decision.

At US Mineral Exchange we can help you eliminate the red flags and find legitimate mineral buyers.

How to Find Mineral Buyers

If you want to find mineral buyers there are a lot of ways to do it.  Once again, we don’t recommend selling mineral rights on your own.  You will nearly always sell far below market value.

  • Letters in the Mail –  A lot of mineral buyers will send you letters in the mail.  Some of these companies are legitimate.  Many of them are not.  Keep in mind that a lot of mineral buyers don’t advertise.  They rely on US Mineral Exchange to bring them deals.

  • Online Mineral Buyers –  A lot of mineral owners will try and find mineral buyers online.  If you go this route, it’s important to understand that anyone can set up a good looking website.  Figuring out which mineral buyers are legitimate is not easy.  In addition, there are thousands of mineral buyers.  You could spend days going through Google trying to find mineral buyers.  The problem is that you would see less than 1% of the mineral buyers out there, would need to navigate around the bad mineral buyers, and then need to understand how to close the transaction without being taken advantage of.

  • Attorney – Many people look at attorney’s as a trusted avenue to sell mineral rights. We do not recommend that you sell mineral rights with an attorney. Why? Simply put, they will not get you the best price. An attorney may have a few mineral buyers they work with, but they simply don’t have the connections to help you sell mineral rights for the best price. With that said, having an attorney review closing documents is perfectly acceptable and we would never recommend against having an attorney review legal documents. Just keep in mind that many attorneys have not closed many (if any) mineral rights transactions. Bringing your attorney in on the terms and conditions of the deal makes sense but leave the marketing of your property to a marketing expert.

  • Direct Phone Calls –  Some mineral buyers will call you directly.  Be cautious.  Many of these mineral buyers will put a lot of pressure on you to sell.  If they can convince you to sell via a phone call, they know that you likely have no competitive offers. Mineral buyers who purchase through phone calls usually get excellent deals, but you end up getting a lot less money.

  • Mineral Rights Broker- The absolute best way to find mineral buyers is through a mineral rights broker. Why? A mineral rights broker can quickly connect you to thousands of mineral buyers and a reputable one will know who is actively purchasing in your area. There is no way to get your mineral rights in front of some buyers unless you go through a broker. A great mineral rights broker knows how to market your property to the industry’s leading mineral buyers. A great mineral rights broker will also help you through the closing process. However, use caution when selecting a mineral rights broker. More on that below.

How to Choose a Mineral Rights Broker

The best way to sell mineral rights is through a mineral rights broker. There are two simple reasons for this:

  1. Price: You will get a higher price due to exposure to thousands of mineral buyers.
  2. Closing: A great mineral broker will navigate pitfalls saving you thousands of dollars. In addition, a great mineral broker will have a clearly defined escrow process in place to protect you.

Find out how to select the best mineral rights broker using the information below.

Mineral Buyers Disguised as Brokers

For obvious reasons, we can’t put down the names of any specific companies. However, there are a lot of “mineral brokers” who are actually mineral buyers. Some of these companies do not appear to be mineral buyers at all so it is very difficult to tell. These mineral brokers will get you to list with them and then sell to a company they have an interest in. If a site suggests that they will give you an offer or that they may show your property to “affiliated companies”, this is a buyer or at best a very bad broker.

If the broker has an interest in the company that is buying your mineral rights, do they have an incentive to get you the best price or the lowest price? Obviously, they want to put you under contract at the lowest price point possible.

Understanding Commission Rates

At US Mineral Exchange we charge a flat 6% commission rate similar to a real estate transaction. Mineral buyers will pay us this commission rate at closing so there is no direct cost to you for listing. In addition, we don’t get paid unless we can find you a higher price than an existing mineral rights offer you have in hand and upon the completion of the sale.

It’s important to understand commission rates before you sell mineral rights. If your broker is not charging you a commission rate this means one of two things:

  1. They are the buyer
  2. They are getting a lot more than 6% by flipping your property to an end buyer

Both of these are bad for you. You want a mineral rights broker who has a clearly defined commission rate. There is nothing wrong with a mineral broker getting paid by helping you get a higher price. You just want to ensure that they aren’t getting a crazy 40% commission rate like the example we used above when we talked about flippers.

We have heard from a number of mineral buyers who pick a broker based on commission. We set the industry standard at 6%.

Some mineral brokers undercut us by a percentage. You may save 1% on commission, but if you get a price that is 10% worse you actually lost 9% instead of saving 1%. The mineral broker you select makes a big difference in the value you will get. Lower offers or a mistake at closing will cost you far more than 1%!

At US Mineral Exchange, we are the highest rated Mineral Rights Broker in the industry, with a 4.9 star Google rating from actual clients, not made up testimonials!

Mineral Rights Broker Red Flags

There are a number of red flags to look out for when selecting a mineral rights broker.

As you consider your options, take a look at the list of red flags below. Carefully evaluate the website of the mineral rights broker you are considering. If you see any of these red flags proceed with caution:

No Listings or Suspect Listings

The most obvious red flag for a mineral rights broker is that they don’t have any actual listings. Or, the listings they do have just do not make sense.

This seems obvious, but many mineral owners fall into this trap. How can a mineral buyer be effectively marketing your mineral rights if they don’t have listings? How can potential mineral buyers view your property? Why are all the listings conveniently from just a few counties? If there are no listings publicly available on the website or the listings on the site seem suspect, the mineral broker is not going to be effective. Without exposure to buyers you will get lower offers and of course fictitious listings test the integrity of the broker.

False Claims

At this point every mineral broker claims to have thousands of mineral buyers. Some claim to have tens of thousands of mineral buyers. Did you know that you can buy a list of oil and gas industry professionals that has over 100,000 emails on it for just a few bucks? You can then claim that you have thousands of mineral buyers.

US Mineral Exchange has been in business since 2012, which is by far longer than most mineral brokers. Over that time, we have attracted thousands of mineral buyers to our website. Curious how long a broker has been in business? Public reviews tell the story!

What sets US Mineral Exchange apart is that we actually do have thousands of registered mineral buyers who have an account with us that are currently active. Having an email list of oil and gas industry professionals does not mean a mineral broker has thousands of legitimate end buyers.

Information / Education

Another obvious sign to look for is the amount of information and education provided.  If you take a look around at most mineral rights brokers, they have very little information.  A few pages on their blog that go over the basics, but no real in depth content that really helps mineral owners.

Whether you sell mineral rights at US Mineral Exchange or not, we provide information that will help you.   Spend some time evaluating a mineral rights brokers website and look for signs they have put significant time and effort into helping mineral owners.

Exclusive Mineral Rights Focus

Some mineral rights brokers are not focused exclusively on mineral rights. They handle other types of mineral rights such as coal, wind, solar, cell phones, music rights, etc..  A broker who is specialized in mineral rights will get you a better price.

Why?  A buyer who purchases wind rights is not going to be the same buyer who purchases oil and gas mineral rights.  A mineral rights broker that isn’t focused exclusively on mineral rights is highly unlikely to realize the best price.   They will have a smaller pool of buyers.  They will not understand the pitfalls specific to oil and gas.  They may not have a robust closing process based on years of experience closing.

At US Mineral Exchange we are focused exclusively on oil and gas mineral rights and exclusively on helping mineral owners get the best deal.

Value Estimates

Be wary of any mineral rights broker who claims they can provide you with a value for your mineral rights.  It can’t be done.  We’ve taken deals to a number of appraisal services to have them evaluate deals we already completed.  They were wrong, by a lot.

The only way to determine mineral rights value is to sell.  When you sell mineral rights in an open marketplace with competition, you’ll determine the true market value and sell.  Any estimate prior to getting competitive bids is an educated guess.

If a mineral rights broker gives you an estimate with a huge range it provides no value.  Imagine your real estate agent told you that your home is worth between $250,000 and $750,000.  How is that estimate useful?  It’s not!   While we can use some general rule of thumb estimates in mineral rights value, anything beyond that is just pure speculation.

Proven Experience

As quality websites become easier to set up quickly, a large number of mineral rights brokers have shown up. Since 2012, US Mineral Exchange has seen a lot of mineral rights brokers come and go. Many set up shop with a decent looking website, convince a few unsuspecting mineral owners to list, and then close up shop after a few bad deals.

It takes years of experience to build a buyer network, understand how mineral buyers operate, and how to successfully protect mineral owners through the process.

At US Mineral Exchange we have been helping mineral owners sell mineral rights since 2012. When you work with US Mineral Exchange, your property is marketed to our network of the industry’s leading mineral and royalty buyers – thousands and thousands of them. We know exactly how to help you sell mineral rights for maximum value and ensure a smooth closing process.

Before listing anywhere else, ask them how long they have been selling mineral rights and how long has their company been in business. When selling mineral rights, experience and reputation matters. You need an experienced broker who knows how to get you the best deal and you need a broker with an industry leading reputation. That is US Mineral Exchange!

How to Pick a Mineral Rights Broker

When selecting a mineral rights broker pick one with the following qualities:

  • Listings – Pick a mineral rights broker who clearly displays their listings. A dedicated listing platform to market your properties online is necessary to get competitive bids. This is the only way to ensure the best price.
  • But not only Listings – Choose a mineral broker who also has an industry leading reputation. There are new brokers popping up all the time but the buyers you need to receive offers from have zero clue who they are and will simply refuse to work with them.
  • Buyer Network – A quality broker has connections with thousands of mineral buyers. However, the best broker will also know how to weed out the flippers so you end up with true end buyers. At US Mineral Exchange, we know how to properly qualify buyers. This ensures you only work with legitimate high quality mineral buyers. In addition, we work with thousands of buyers to ensure the best possible price.
  • Communication – A mineral broker should be easy to get a hold of quickly. When you send an email do they respond quickly? At US Mineral Exchange we respond within hours to inquiries and phone calls, and immediately to our listed clients.
  • Experience – Take the time to figure out how long a mineral broker has been in business, not just what they state on their website. In just the last few years there has been a surge of mineral brokers offering to help you sell mineral rights. As setting up a decent looking website has become much easier, a lot of mineral brokers with no experience, no buyers, and no ability to ensure the best deal for you have jumped in. US Mineral Exchange has been in business since 2012 doing business in the name of US Mineral Exchange. Our industry leading reputation is exactly what you are looking for.
  • Closing Process – Does your mineral rights broker have a clearly defined closing process? We do. A great mineral rights broker knows to walk you through the transaction from start to finish.

How to Sell Mineral Rights in 2025

If you want to sell mineral rights US Mineral Exchange can help. Our company is dedicated to protecting mineral owners. We want to help you sell mineral rights for the highest price possible. A lot of mineral owners end up selling far below market value. Don’t let that be you!

How to Sell Mineral Rights for Maximum Value

The only way to get maximum value when selling mineral rights is to create competition. Without competition, you will always sell mineral rights below market value. This is true whether you sell them yourself or partner with US Mineral Exchange.

You need mineral buyers competing to pay you the highest price for your mineral rights. You basically have two options when selling mineral rights:

1. Sell Mineral Rights yourself by taking the shotgun approach. The shot gun approach is when you reach out to a few buyers and hope you get a fair price.

When you sell mineral rights on your own, you will end up selling below market value. The reason is that you simply can’t connect with enough mineral buyers. There are thousands of mineral buyers. Getting in front of the right buyers without a marketplace like US Mineral Exchange simply isn’t possible. There is nearly always a mineral buyer who will pay a higher price. When you find buyers on your own you miss 99% of the mineral buyers.

After you find a buyer, you will then need to navigate the closing process, but by yourself. We hear horror story after horror story of mineral and royalty owners being surprised at the closing table. If you don’t understand the contract, you may walk away from the closing table with something much different that you expected.

Selling mineral rights using the shotgun approach is literally shooting yourself in the foot!

2. Selling mineral rights at US Mineral Exchange. When you sell mineral rights at US Mineral Exchange you get access to thousands of the industry’s top mineral and royalty buyers. More importantly, you’ll be working with experts who have the highest reputation in the industry. Many of the leading mineral rights buyers refuse to work with brokers other than US Mineral Exchange due to dishonest business practices. Don’t sign up with a broker who claims to have connections but in fact the connections they might have had are burned.

We can help you quickly get your mineral rights in front of the right mineral buyers which creates competition and ensures the best price. Our closing process will ensure you are protected every step of the way.

If you need to sell quickly and you have an offer to sell mineral rights in hand, we can help there also. Speed is not a deterrent to success.

If you decide to sell mineral rights yourself, please understand that you are extremely likely to sell below market value.

We understand that you don’t want to lose the offer in hand. We understand that listing mineral rights is an extra hoop to jump through. It will be worth it! We will help you maximize the value of your mineral rights and get the best deal possible.

Set Realistic Expectations when Selling Mineral Rights

When selling mineral rights it’s very important to set realistic expectations. A lot of mineral owners are not realistic about market value. Your mineral rights are worth what a mineral buyer is willing to pay TODAY.

When you are willing to accept fair market value for your mineral rights we can help you sell quickly and get the best price. You simply need to be comfortable with the fact that the value is what the market is willing to pay. We’ll find you the best price, but it’s up to you to accept the best market price available.

Gather Documentation to Sell Mineral Rights

Before you sell mineral rights at US Mineral Exchange we need some documentation. We get it. Pulling together documentation is not fun! However, if you want to get maximum value when you sell mineral rights it is necessary.

Imagine selling a home but the buyer is not able to visit the home in person. You still need to present your home in the best way possible. So, you pull together some professional photos. You walk around the house and take a video. You pull together some facts about the house to help the potential buyer see the value in your home. You even go as far as to sell the neighborhood, the schools and your city. This would provide the potential home buyer what they need to determine if they want to buy your house.

And while we do 99% of this work, there are some items that are required of all our clients. The 1% we normally need is check stubs. The one thing we would never have access to without help from you.

There is additional desired information to properly market your mineral rights to ensure the best price. If you want to get the best price, pulling together the documentation is important.

See what documents we need to market your mineral rights effectively at our required documents to list page.

Sell Mineral Rights at US Mineral Exchange

Selling mineral rights is overwhelming. This is a subject that most people simply aren’t familiar with. It is OK to be overwhelmed and confused!

At US Mineral Exchange, we can help you navigate the process. We’ll stand beside you each step of the way to ensure your interests are protected. We’ll make sure you get the best price and also make sure the closing process goes smoothly.

If you are interested in selling mineral rights fill out the form below. We’ll help answer any questions you have and help you get the process started.

Free Consultation – Mineral Rights Guide

Phew! That was a lot of information!

If you still have questions about mineral rights value, how to sell mineral rights, how to find mineral buyers, or anything else at all please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

We enjoy hearing from mineral owners and we are happy to answer your questions.   We typically respond within just a few hours and look forward to hearing from you!

Jim Bob Bryant
18:21 24 Dec 24
Garrett of USME couldn't have done more for our mineral rights sale. I had no experience or insight into the mineral market. Garrett walked me through the market for our holdings and provided all the process details. His insight into recent changes in our area allowed us to sell our mineral rights for twice the offers we received in the mail. Thanks USME!read more
Bryan Alexander
01:14 24 Dec 24
Received an offer on some mineral rights I owned which was a fair offer. I decided to give the mineral exchange a chance to get me a better offer and I am glad I did. I received an offer that I couldn't turn down. Garrett was very knowledgeable and professional. Everything went smoothly. I would highly recommend Garrett and the mineral exchange if your looking to sell some mineral more
Gary Hall
02:36 03 Dec 24
US Minerals Exchange were the perfect partner help me sell my mineral rights. Living outside US, I needed a bit of extra explanation and handholding. Everything went very smoothly, and the bidding process worked to my interest. Garrett is a consummate professional, and I highly recommend him for any mineral rights transaction!read more
William Ward
20:40 02 Dec 24
I started receiving offers for my mineral rights earlier this year and for the first time, I started to consider selling. I had no idea if the offers that I received were from reputable companies or if the offer was a good one. I reached out to US Mineral Exchange and started working with Garrett. Garrett's communication with me was prompt and very informative. He ensured that I received the highest possible offer for my mineral rights and that I had all of the required information to make the best decision possible. I knew that Garrett was looking out for my best interests and he quickly gained my trust. I would highly recommend US Mineral Exchange if you are considering selling your mineral rights!read more
Liz A.
18:51 30 Nov 24
After searching the internet for information on mineral rights property valuation, I found a company that acts as a broker for listing your property to all interested mineral buyers in the country. For years I received offers about selling my property. I had no way to know if an offer was indeed the best offer? US Mineral Exchange listed my property. They found a buyer that met and exceeded my price. I am very satisfied with my sale and highly recommend their service if you are looking to sell your more
Delisa Deavenport
20:58 22 Nov 24
Choosing the right broker was a decision we approached with great care. We conducted extensive research on brokers, read reviews, and sought advice from our banker and mineral rights lawyer—both of whom have significant experience working with brokers. From the start, Garrett Phelan stood out as a man of the highest integrity and values. It was truly refreshing to do business with someone who genuinely had our best interests at heart. Working with Garrett Phelan at US Mineral Exchange was an absolute pleasure. Garrett provided invaluable strategic guidance on timing and skillfully addressed our family's concerns, as this was an inheritance with many opinions involved. He kept us reassured and calm during the more stressful moments and navigated every challenge with confidence and professionalism. Garrett approached each roadblock thoughtfully, presenting the pros and cons objectively without ever pressuring us to make a decision. His transparency and leadership built an incredible level of trust. If you are thinking of selling your mineral rights, consider having a conversation with Garrett. His advice is thorough and reliable, and his expertise and integrity make a remarkable difference. If you choose to go forward, Garrett is the perfect partner as a broker. Thank you, Garrett, for your outstanding service!read more
Zerika Smith
16:42 22 Oct 24
Garrett was great throughout the entire process. He kept me in the loop the entire process and was very knowledgeable of the market. Also was willing to address any questions and concerns I had this was my first time during this type of sell/purchase. I will definitely use his services again if I am in a similar more
Simon Slight
18:33 14 Oct 24
My father-in-law inherited mineral rights in Texas that were largely incomprehensible to us. Over the years, he received many offers from a variety of companies to sell his mineral rights, some of which seemed to be for paltry amounts, whereas one or two were for more substantial sums. Consequently, we had no idea what his rights might be worth and knew that we would be totally out of our depth if we attempted to negotiate a sale ourselves. After searching online, I came across US Mineral Exchange, and we decided to seek their advice. From our first contact with their representative, Terra, we were put at ease and made to feel that we were dealing with professionals who really understood this complex business. Terra explained many of the complexities of mineral rights to us and helped us navigate the sale. She always kept us fully informed about potential bids and educated us about matters such as title searches etc. Once my father-in-law accepted a bid, and title was established, the closing went very smoothly and quickly. We were delighted with the sale amount, and we are very happy that we sought the professional expertise of US Mineral more
Susan Cook
19:13 10 Oct 24
First time on the US Mineral Exchange and it was a home run! Although I had received several written offers to buy my Mineral rights, I didn’t know if the offers were “fair market value”. I decided my best option was use the US Mineral Exchange instead, because there is a larger mineral buyer network from all over the country which drives up prices. I listed with the US Mineral Exchange for 30 days but received 4-5 offers within just a few days well above the top written offers I had previously received in the mail or email. In fact the company with the best written offer tried their best to convince me to accept their offer, rather than going to the US Mineral Exchange. I’m so glad I declined and chose to use the US Mineral Exchange instead, because I closed in about 2 weeks and received almost DOUBLE the amount I would have received had I accepted the written offer. I am a firm believer in the many benefits of listing with the US Mineral Exchange!read more
Larry Deavenport
21:40 04 Oct 24
I highly recommend US Mineral exchange as a broker for your mineral assets. Garrett and his team were able to get us above market value for my mineral rights.He made the transition process from the beginning to the end simple for us to follow. Thank You Garrett!read more
Teresa Hull
15:39 21 Jun 24
We recently sold our mineral acres through U.S. Mineral Exchange. We had an offer from the current lease holders, but wanted to see if others might be interested. Garrett was very professional and communicative throughout the process. His knowledge of this industry is extensive. We sold for about 40% more than the offer we had received after several offers came in. We couldn't be happier with Garrett and U.S. Mineral more
Paul Graff
14:22 26 Jul 23
Working with Garrett was truly a pleasure. I had read reviews before I used U.S.Mineral Exchange because I am always leary of the business world these days. But just after talking to him a couple of minutes I felt his honesty and sincerity. I didn't post on Google because I don't want to be connected to Google but this is an honest review.if I was going to buy or sell mineral rights in the future I wouldn't hesitate to call Garrett for he's good at his job and it's like working with a more
David Baker
13:40 24 Jul 23
My wife and I just completed the sale of an inherited mineral interest in Texas. We had absolutely no clue how to initiate the process, ensure a fair market value sale, and most importantly find a trustworthy advisor to assist us. We really lucked out in finding Garrett Phelan and the US Mineral Exchange. Garrett was always available to talk us through the process each step of the way from the very initial phase of seeking buyers all the way to our closing on the sale. At first, we were naturally skeptical given our inexperience. Garrett was always there to answer questions and spent extra time validating our natural concerns but provided the confidence to help us navigate each step. Our transaction was seamless and worked out exactly how Garrett had explained from the very first call we had with him. Oh and might I add, we received a substantially higher sale price than any direct mail/direct call offer we continually received over the years. We cannot recommend Garrett and USME enough and are thankful we had him in our corner to make the dream of selling the interest into a reality. Thank you Garrett and USME!read more
Ava Farber
14:44 25 Jun 23
In an industry rife with con men, I cannot recommend the honesty and integrity of Garrett at US Mineral Exchange enough! I inherited mineral rights 30 years ago. When I’d considered selling in the past, the refrain has always been- “Don’t sell! Never sell!” Since I became a mother however, the desire for a solid nest egg for myself and my child (that isn’t subject to the whims of a very volatile industry) became increasingly important. It’s a big, and personal choice, but for myself, I have zero doubt that selling and having a more diverse investment portfolio was the best decision I could’ve made. Before Garrett, I had received several offers in the mail, and phone calls from various buyers who seemed legit and ‘salt of the earth’ type of people. ***WORD TO THE WISE*** Most of these guys have zero intention of honoring the amount they offer you! “Flipping” your rights seems to be common practice here. What they do is offer you a high amount and then come back and claim there are issues with the title work etc and offer you significantly less. But you can’t do anything about it because you’ve already signed the deed. They then turn around and sell your rights to another buyer for a much higher price. Don’t fall for this gag! Thankfully I reached out to a trusted mineral rights lawyer based out of Texas, Aimee Hess. (Side note- If you need an incredible lawyer, she’s your gal! I also asked her, in addition to Garrett, to look over any and all contracts before signing anything.) When I reached out, Aimee told me other clients of hers had been very happy with their experience with Garrett at US Mineral Exchange, adding, “He really has the seller’s best interests at heart.” I couldn’t be happier with the decision to go with USME. It was worth every penny of the commission to know I was protected, dealing with a straightforward person, and getting the most possible for my rights. He got me nearly double even seemingly legit previous offers. I’m beyond pleased! Everything moved along smoothly and efficiently. He explained the whole process, and answered all of my many questions with patience and clarity. Garrett at US Mineral Exchange is honest. He is straightforward. He’s knowledgeable. He’s connected. He’s reputable. He’s pleasant. And he’s effective. It’s a no brainer to go with these more
K Taylor
23:24 15 Jun 23
US Mineral Exchange, and Garrett Phelan in particular, did an excellent job of selling our holding. He was patient, informative, and responsive. He was able to obtain a much better offer than I had negotiated on my own. He smoothly handled all aspects of the transition. This is definitely the way to more
Shelton Bivins
17:48 09 Jun 23
US Mineral Exchange helped me to sell royalties. Garrett walked me through the entire process from start to finish. If I ever had a question it was answered right away. I am so happy I was able to get things done right, and for the right amount. If I ever sell again I will be calling upon US Mineral Exchangeread more
Jan Nachlinger
15:31 07 Jun 23
We recently engaged US Mineral Exchange to help us sell our oil royalties and found them to be very professional, highly knowledgeable, and able to find a perfect buyer in short order. Initially, we attempted to sell our royalties on our own, but went with US Mineral Exchange when they freely responded to our many questions about the sale process and explained how they could help. Indeed, they found several potential buyers willing to pay more than we found on our own. They were easy to work with, responded quickly to our communications, and effectively closed the transaction in a short timeframe. We highly recommend engaging their services and would like to especially commend Garrett Phelan for his professional more
Denise Bennett
19:51 18 May 23
Garrett took time to explain not only the details of the sale but also helped me understand mineral rights in general. I feel confident that Garrett went above and beyond to obtain the best sale price possible. My experience with US Mineral Exchange was very positive and I would recommend contacting them if you are considering selling your mineral more
Crystal Candyfire
15:09 16 May 23
I'm so glad I listed with U.S. Mineral Exchange to sell my mineral rights. Garrett was very professional and knowledgeable about buying and selling minerals. He helped me throughout the whole process from start to finish of selling them. With his guidance I sold my rights for way more than any previous offers. So if you want to get the most out of your mineral rights in the quickest time possible 100 % recommend U.S. Mineral more
Cassie Croissant
03:57 14 Jan 23
My experience with US Mineral Exchange was a pleasant one, and I'd recommend them for selling mineral rights. Garret was very helpful and informative before, during, and even after the sale was complete. Terra was also very pleasant. Never did I feel pressured or uneasy, even when I was a bit slow with the notary requirements. It was nice to feel confident that I was making the right decision by using US Mineral more
J F Hill
18:38 06 Nov 22
I recommend U. S. Minerals if you want or need to sell Mineral Rights. The decision to sell and how to sell is not easy. Taxes, possible future income, duration, possible future activity may not be definable. We have received multiple unsolicited offers for several years. Some low and some high, which only complicated the decision. U. S. Minerals has a good web site that can help your knowledge. Garrett with U. S. Minerals patiently explained the process of how they list and answered several questions for a couple of weeks. Once a commitment to sell was made Garrett continued to guide us through the process of clarifying the title with the buyer. Commitment to sell to funds in the bank was 3 ½ weeks. We believe we received a reasonable price for our more
Susan Castillo
19:24 02 Nov 22
I inherited mineral rights and really didn't know what they were worth or how to sell them. I received occasional offers from private companies to buy them, but was concerned that they might be worth more. I'm so glad that I listed my mineral rights with the US Mineral Exchange. Terra was great! She walked me through the whole process and communicated with me with email updates. Within 2 weeks, I sold my rights for two and a half times my previous offer and the money was in the bank the very next day!read more
Cal Wayman
22:12 21 Oct 22
Garrett Phelan was great to deal with. He was professional, responsive, knowledgeable, and dug more deeply into my mineral interests than any of the dozen other buyers who are trying to make bids. The whole process went very smoothly and even more quickly than he promised. He will be my first phone call when I next sell other more
Sarah Armour
02:15 03 Oct 22
I don’t know where to begin. My experience with Garrett at the Mineral Exchange was stellar. I went into the process as a total layman from the east coast. He explained the whole process, and was so kind and patient throughout. He never made any moves without consulting with me and getting my input. We ended up getting and offer for 75% more than the listed/appraisal price. His guidance and gentle demeanor was so reassuring. I wouldn’t hesitate to ever do business with him in the future. I cannot recommend them enough!read more
19:45 01 Sep 22
Definitely 5 stars for Garrett and his team! This was definitely the smoothest & fastest transaction we ever had! They keep in touch on a regular basis and let you know what is happening! A big thank you to Garrett & US mineral Exchange!
Laura B
15:58 24 Aug 22
Garrett was great to work with. Communication was timely and helpful throughout the process. We ended up with a significantly larger amount for our minerals by using this service. I highly recommend US Mineral Exchange if you are interested in selling. Thank you again!read more
Liz Monroe
07:44 15 Jul 22
Garrett explained in detail everything I needed to know, had updates all along the way, and answered every question I had! Everything went great and as expected. Good work!
Ken Parker
13:16 29 Jun 22
I used US Mineral Exchange to sell my mineral rights, and found the process to be far easier than I expected. The folks there answered all of my questions about how to value my holdings, and I was able to get a fair price. I recommend them to anyone wanting to sell their mineral more
Eric Dupré
16:41 13 May 22
Not knowing where to go to determine the value of my mineral rights, I reached out to US Mineral Exchange. Garrett was very helpful in determining that the offer I had received was a fair offer prior to my reaching out. After reviewing US Mineral Exchange and having good conversations with Garrett, I listed my mineral rights though them. I was able to secure an offer roughly 23% higher than my previous offer. The closing was seamless as well as the funds transfer. I highly recommend US Mineral Exchange if you are looking to more
Brent Ray
04:30 03 May 22
I consider myself very fortunate to have teamed up with Terra at US Mineral Exchange. Terra is the definition of over delivering in every aspect of the sale. From forecasting every detail, answering every concern ( no matter how ridiculous) negotiating and finalizing the sale. Terra made a complex process an amazing experience and I would highly recommend US Mineral Exchange to anyone.....Brent more
Andrea Eggers
17:05 28 Apr 22
Receiving countless offers in the mail to buy my minerals was confusing. Not knowing who to trust, I searched for some ally to help me with the process. My first phone visit with Garrett at US Mineral Exchange put me at ease, and I knew that I'd found that ally. The entire process was pleasurable and exceeded my exceptions at every turn. I was kept in the loop and never had to inquire what was happening. My hesitations to trust anyone wanting to buy my minerals melted away with the expertise of a company that has done this so many times before. I highly encourage anyone wanting to sell their minerals to reach out to US Mineral more
John Rhett
15:08 26 Apr 22
I inherited some oil and gas royalties from my mother. I truly had no idea what to do with them until I received an unsolicited offer to buy them. I had a pretty good idea that the offer was probably not the best I could expect. In doing my research on both the company and the person, I selected Garrett Phelan at US Mineral Exchange. Garrett walked me though the process and was confident that we could get a "substantially better offer". His assessment was correct and we had multiple offers in a very short period of time. My recommendation is to hire competent professionals, like Garrett, to guide you through the more
Michael Zane Trusty
02:35 19 Apr 22
Working with US Mineral Exchange was a great experience for our church, Garrett walked us through the entire process which made it easy because we had never sold minerals before. Garrett was able to close and have our money in no time. I would highly recommend US Mineral Exchange who made our search and transaction all so easy and painless. Thank you again !read more
Avis Kimball
22:42 01 Apr 22
Garrett and Terra were easy to work with. They made the offering efficient, and led us smoothly through the process to closing, and I'm pretty sure they got us the best price for our mineral rights. Thank you!
Bill McLaughlin
23:34 29 Mar 22
I highly recommend working with US Mineral Exchange if you are considering selling your mineral interests. Terra was professional and communicative throughout the entire process. Her due diligence uncovered other interests we had in the area. After posting and reaching out to possible parties of interest; we had numerous offers. We made almost $15K over the last broker's blind offer (an offer made before we knew about UME). Thank you again for your patience and more
Lenore Shisler
17:44 17 Mar 22
I can't overstate how helpful Terra was in providing the information and assistance that I needed at each step of the selling process. The US Mineral Exchange website has also been the best source of educational information I've found.
Kelly Hamann
16:18 10 Mar 22
What can I say, professional from start to end. Garrett and Terra were amazing, I inherited a property , new nothing about the oil business, had other business opportunities I was hoping to purse . They walked me thru the whole process and was with me from start to end, even when Garrett took personal time off, he got ahold of me multiple times during the day. I would highly recommend , they got me way more than I was expecting in price. Thank yall so muchread more
Exa Rief
01:48 26 Feb 22
USME helped me get a fantastic price for my mineral rights. Terra Castagna and Garrett Phelan walked me through the gathering of information, kept me apprised of everything that was going on and what was needed from me to close the deal. It was a pleasure to work with them and I would definitely recommend them and USME to anyone interested in selling their mineral more
W Tucker
22:39 30 Jan 22
Garrett was incredible. I would never have gotten as much for my royalties or maneuvered the maze without Garrett. I would highly recommend US Mineral Exchange if you're considering selling your royalties.
Mineral Seller
02:53 29 Jan 22
Best idea ever! Don't waste your time considering offers in the mail from other buyers. Be sure to use US Mineral Exchange because it works! Legitimate buyers and fair offers! US Mineral Exchange is the best and Garrett rocks! And not just saying that because I sold, it's because it really works. Your mineral rights are worth more than you think. Even if it is a tiny more
Eric Moses
19:59 13 Jan 22
U.S. Mineral Exchange had several offers for me within a week of listing. Their process was straight forward, and they were very professional and knowledgeable. We had a couple minor hiccups with logistics during the closing process, but Garrett handled the situation well, and we got everything worked out. Overall, I was very happy with my experience and would recommend this group to friends and family for the sale of your oil & gas more
Rory Carrigan
15:00 24 Nov 21
We would highly recommend USME. A great resource for anyone looking to sell their mineral interests. We had over 40 Texas properties in five counties to sell. The whole process was fair and fastI Garrett Phela was a great facilitator. He was very pleasant, professional and knowledgeable. He stayed on top of the sale every step of the way. He kept us informed of every aspect of the sale. Could not have been easier. What a pleasant experience with great results. We would definitely use them again but will never have to!read more
Valerie Hoffman
19:26 21 Oct 21
I'm so glad I found mineral exchange. I recieved $8,000 more than the original offer I recieved. Very fast process and Tara is very responsive and helpful.
Nick Winebrenner
19:54 07 Sep 21
Excellent experience while divesting our mineral interest via US Mineral Exchange. The people at US Mineral Exchange were very professional, knowledgeable, communicative and easy to work with during the entire process. Should the situation ever arise, we would welcome working with this group again. Winebrenner & Associates, LLCread more
Kenneth Wilcher
00:43 26 Jul 21
In an industry with so much legaleese and loop holes and being a small fish in a large ocean it was so refreshing to deal with US Mineral Exchange. They are very knowledgeable and delivered on their promise of finding us a better deal, and quickly I might add. We had an offer prior to dealing with US Mineral Exchange and thought it was a good deal until we learned better through US Mineral Exchange. They made the process very easy and Terra answered every question I had (and I had plenty) but never once did she make me feel uneducated on the subject although I was. I can't say enough good things about our experience and would suggest using them to anyone who is interested in selling their mineral more
Ceci Westmoreland
16:57 23 Jul 21
US Mineral Exchange made selling my mineral interest so smooth and easy. They are very professional and offer top notch expertise in helping the seller get his/her best offer.
Alice Machovsky
22:43 15 Jul 21
Terra at US Mineral Exchange made the selling process a breeze. She was a pleasure to work with and kept me informed of every aspect of the sale. I had no idea where to start. I contacted them and very timely was contacted by Terra and the sale was fair and fast. Just what I was looking for. An awesome company with awesome employees that know their more
Stephen Smith
10:53 13 Jun 21
Dealing with the US Mineral Exchange was great. Garrett Phelan was very pleasant and if you need an ally on your side looking out for your interested that will take the time to help you understand your position, this is the group to do it. I didn't once feel hurried or pressured. What a pleasant group to deal with. Thank more
Mark Burgin
21:18 05 May 21
I highly recommend U.S. Mineral Exchange. I didn't know anything about mineral rights when I first discovered that I needed to sell mineral rights owned by my uncle. Based on all the positive reviews, I decided to start with U.S. Mineral Exchange. Working with Garrett, the whole process was expertly and quickly facilitated. I am very pleased with the more
21:22 01 Apr 21
Great firm to work with. Efficient, fair, and quick to respond. Highly recommend to help maximize the value of their minerals.
Roger Peugh
17:56 31 Mar 21
I would highly recommend both USME and their excellent employee,Terra Castagna, as a great resource for anyone looking to determine the value of their mineral interests on the open market. My experience in dealing with them was that they were very professional and of high integrity, which creates a trust relationship that is invaluable. If the opportunity arises, I would definitely not hesitate to use them again!read more
Mark Peugh
17:15 31 Mar 21
US Mineral Exchange did an excellent job in helping with the mineral rights and deeds to make sure we were happy with the process in getting what we wanted from our minerals. God has truly blessed this company because the people who work there really do care about people and they want to solve the needs people are seeking help from them. I would recommend " US Mineral Exchange "to anyone who is seeking to sell their minerals for top dollar or to buy minerals such as oil leases to increase production for our needs for energy independence in the United States of America!read more
Marc Payne
21:00 19 Feb 21
I needed to sell my mineral rights to pay off a debt, and the people at US Mineral Exchange made that possible. Everyone I spoke with and emailed was very knowledgeable and professional, and they helped me every step of the way. They were also very patient with me, which I appreciate. The final sale price seemed fair, and was certainly more than I could have gotten if I had tried to do this more
Robert Broome
20:30 26 Nov 20
We had a super experience working with Terra on the sale of our mineral rights. She was very patient with us and explained everything very clearly, which was helpful since we had no experience in this area, and she never talked down to us depite our ignorance. She was also professional in that she paid attention to every detail, down to indicating the paper size that was required for printing our documents! She kept us informed at every step of the process. She clearly knows her field well and made suggestions that allowed us to receive an excellent price for our rights. I would highly recommend using USME for any sale you are more
Wayne Copes
17:23 11 Nov 20
My aging mother-in-law needed to sell some mineral rights in Oklahoma and Kansas. I was the family member "appointed" to find a buyer(s). I knew NOTHING about energy or mineral rights. However, I "stumbled" onto the US Mineral Exchange website and connected with their rep Terra Castagna. Terra patiently explained their process for getting rights evaluated and sold. The value of our rights did not meet the threshold for their usual sales, but Terra offered to make our rights known to potential buyers of smaller positions. In a very short time several buyers expressed interest and we quickly reached an agreement with one who was willing to buy both rights. We could not be happier with the service provided by US Mineral Exchange, and in particular, with Terra Costagna, and would unreservedly endorse their more
David Tusa
17:38 23 Oct 20
Overall excellent experience. Very professional and responsive staff. They are experts at the minerals business and the process reflected such. The transaction was completed in less than a week and we netted much higher proceeds than we expected. Highly more
Linda Baldwin
15:04 17 Jul 20
Selling oil and mineral rights is not a common practice, or at least not for us. We went from "how on earth will we do this and do it right" to a very successful sale in record time. I am so happy that we found US Mineral Exchange. From the first phone call they were professional, answered all of my questions, and walked me through every step of the process with calm professionalism, and brought a price exceeding our expectations. From a seller's perspective, it could not have gone better! I wholeheartedly recommend US Mineral Exchange and gladly serve as a more
Beau Bostick
19:07 15 Jul 20
Great company just be careful who you sell to Iron Horse royalty out of Austin Texas and Garrett Merket very dishonest company. But after learning he was connected with a politician . I am not surprised
Bryan Austin
18:13 13 Jul 20
Terra was amazing in assisting me in selling my late fathers royalties. She answered all of my questions and made the process smooth as butter! Thank you!
Nicole Garcia
20:48 12 Jun 20
I contacted US Mineral Exchange in hopes to sell my families old mineral rights. Though the claims were too small for their business to sell they had great information for me and my situation. Highly recommend this company!
David Johnsen
18:06 08 May 20
US Mineral has been very helpful, leading us through all the steps in selling two different royalties. We gave them plenty of problems to work us through and they were always more than helpful and kind.
Donna Ware
18:02 23 Apr 20
My husband William Ware acquired Mineral Rights through his late Grandmother. We worked with Terra at US Mineral Exchange to begin the decisions to sell our rights. She responded to every question, even ones that to her were probably silly, she did it professionally and with kindness. When it came time to decide if we wanted to take the offer we received from a buyer, she didn't pressure us but gave us educated advise. I can't recommend this company enough!read more
Charles Clark
17:49 18 Mar 20
To Tara Castagna: Thank you very much for helping me thru the selling process of my mineral rights. Your excellent customer service and attention to detail made the process very easy. Your research of the history and records of my rights was extremely helpful in completing this project. Again, thank you for the very professional service. Conley Lawread more
John Parkhurst
20:01 16 Mar 20
I used US Mineral Exchange to sell my mineral rights in Colorado. I dealt with Terra and she was a real champ at follow-up and advise. She was extremely friendly and responsive to any questions I had. I highly recommend any individual that is considering selling their rights would be well satisfied for their customer service, experience, and guidance. My experience was totally hassle free. I highly recommend their service!read more
John Parkhurst
20:01 16 Mar 20
I used US Mineral Exchange to sell my mineral rights in Colorado. I dealt with Terra and she was a real champ at follow-up and advise. She was extremely friendly and responsive to any questions I had. I highly recommend any individual that is considering selling their rights would be well satisfied for their customer service, experience, and guidance. My experience was totally hassle free. I highly recommend their service!read more
Kenneth Wick
18:34 16 Mar 20
I obtained minerals through an inheritance and I knew they were in a area of interest. I contacted and listed with US Mineral Exchange. The good folks at USME found a buyer and the process of selling my minerals was done professionally and without a hitch. The support from Terra and Garrett was most kind and helpful throughout the entire process. I will gladly recommend their more
Pearson Ferguson
16:58 03 Mar 20
Great people. Smooth process. Quick closing. Highly recommend. US Mineral Exchange also got me a fair value when other companies were trying to lowball me. I will use them again if the need ever arises.
Jack Roberts
16:49 21 Dec 19
I inherited mineral rights that have been in the family for decades. I enjoyed the monthly income but remained mostly ignorant of the whole oil/gas industry. Out of the blue I got an unsolicited offer to buy them which seemed an attractive option I had never looked into. I immediately ended up "down the rabbit hole" of how confusing this would be. In my on-line search for information I found US Mineral Exchange. After careful evaluation of the whole situation I engaged them as my broker, to list my minerals for sale. They helped me settle on a buyer, and they negotiated a purchase agreement that protected my interests better than I ever could have done on my own. During all the complicated and uncertain parts of closing the deal, I felt assured that Garrett and Eric and Terra were looking out for me and keeping me informed of the progress. The deal is now closed, the money is in the bank! I'm confident I got top dollar for my minerals, and having experienced industry professionals on my side kept me from worrying through the entire process. I am so glad I hired US Mineral more
Duane Cole
22:00 20 Dec 19
After some research on how to sell the family mineral rights in North Dakota I was impressed with the US Mineral Exchange website. An initial contact with Terra got me started gathering documents to use to post the sale on the website. About one week after posting, Garrett suggested we request a best and final offer. Within a couple of days I had a final offer and we completed the deal, after exchanging paperwork, which took a couple more days. The service was fast, excellent and beyond my expectations. We received more for the rights than an offer I had received and more than I had expected. Terra and Garrett at the US Mineral Exchange were great at walking me through the process, answering my questions, and guiding me through the paperwork. I would recommend the US Mineral Exchange to anyone who is interested in selling their mineral more
Darrin Turpin
02:50 29 Sep 19
Eric and Garrett were phenomenal in walking my family and I through the process of selling our mineral rights and essentially made it an effortless and painless experience. Whenever I had a question, they were quick to respond, very informative, and were both well above expectations in regard to their professionalism. I walked in to this process (even after extensive research) with an unsettling feeling not knowing much about how mineral rights were valued, how complicated or not the process of selling was from start to finish, and whether or not I was taking the right approach. Needless to say, my experience with them and the US Mineral Exchange before, during, and after the process alleviated that unsettling feeling swiftly. To anyone who is uncertain about this process as I was, rest assured that there are great safeguards in place through the US Mineral Exchange to protect you, your mineral rights, and is completely risk, and obligation free to pursue. This process is much easier and efficient in comparison to dealing with letters and phone calls from buyers on a case by case basis which can be tedious, stressful, and raises too many questions. The first obviously was "Is this the most I can get for my mineral rights?". This process through the US Mineral Exchange drives competition from many potential buyers which will maximize and define true value. I ended up selling my rights for 163% more than the highest offer letter I received over the course of the last 10 years. In conclusion, any potentiial seller who is even a tad curious, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, and the best part is, it didn't cost one cent out of my pocket to sell or inquire about selling. Thank you Eric and Garrett for making this experience great, and more
Jarrod Turpin
01:00 28 Sep 19
The process for selling my mineral rights through US Mineral Exchange was quick and easy. My representative Garrett Phelan guided me throughout the whole process and kept me well informed all the way until closing. He got me a better price than initially thought I would get on the exchange. I would highly recommend this company for anyone looking to sell their mineral rights at the best more
Matthew Rigdon
18:08 02 Aug 19
US Mineral was able to get a better offer for my mineral rights and took care of all the paperwork. I appreciated their detailed instructions along the way and going above and beyond to get the deal closed on time.
Jessica Parker Valentine
20:38 24 Jul 19
Terra and her colleagues walked me through the process to sell my mineral rights, so that I was completely understanding of every step and very comfortable with my decision to put my rights into auction. We fetched a much higher amount than my highest previous offer, so I was thrilled I made the decision to work with more
Sherry Nylander
18:34 18 Jul 19
After receiving an unsolicited offer to buy our inherited mineral rights in North Dakota, we turned to US Mineral Exchange for help. Garrett and Terra provided professional and helpful advice. After we listed we received an offer greater than we expected. Garrett walked us through the process to accept the offer and finalize/close the sale, which went without a hitch and quicker than we expected. We highly recommend US Mineral Exchange for selling mineral more
Mary Gray
20:12 14 Jun 19
My husband and I have had many purchases of mineral from U.S. Mineral Exchange. We have had many transactions with Garret and he has always been very professional. We have never had an issue with U.S. Mineral Exchange. They are very trustworthy and always above board. Their staff is always professional and they give excellent customer service. Our most recent business deal was in selling some mineral rights and had the pleasure of working with Terra. Terra was every bit as professional as Garret and followed through with great integrity. We highly recommend U.S. Mineral Exchange to anyone looking to buy or sell minerals for any dollar amount. We are looking forward to doing more business in the future with U.S. Mineral Exchange. They truly are the best in this business.. Very pleased clients, Dan & Mary Grayread more
Melody Ilk
14:05 09 Jun 19
Garrett was wonderful to work with over the course of our sale. He communicated clearly and consistently with us through every step of the way. Because of this, it was a simple process and easy to complete.
Jeff Youtz
13:33 06 Jun 19
U.S. Mineral Exchange was a terrific team to work with in selling our mineral rights. Garrett Phelan was very professional, kept us informed every step of the way and made the whole process run quickly and smoothly. I would highly recommend U.S. Mineral Exchange for anyone contemplating the sales of their mineral more
02:22 05 Jun 19
I was treated very well . It was a long drawn out process because of probate issues and they helped me through the process . They found a buyer who stuck with me for a year while we went through all the probate issues. I got the price I wanted. I highly recommend Garrett, he is a no nonsense more
Lois Steinberg
15:45 01 Jun 19
I contacted US Mineral Exchange to help me sell mineral rights that I inherited. Their team was very professional and expedited completion of the transaction. If you are interested in selling your mineral rights, I highly recommend US Mineral more
Richard Colegrove
17:49 17 May 19
We tried selling our mineral rights on our own had nothing but empty promises. Contacted US Mineral Exchange and a month later we sold for more than what was offered before and closed quickly. I can't say enough good things about our experience and we are completely satisfied. Don't learn the hard way, use US MIneral Exchange first!read more
Nancy Hakemack
18:36 10 Apr 19
I loved the constant contact throughout. They explain the whole process of selling minerals and help you with every step along the way. Very knowledgeable of their job. Worked with us to get a fair price for our minerals. Would not go any where more
Matt Howard
03:08 02 Apr 19
I was referred to them by my father. They were very helpful, as I don't know a lot about mineral rights and that sort of thing, but they were patient, answered all of my questions, and helped me get a great value. I was impressed by how well everything went. They broke everything down for me and I am very happy I chose to use them to sell my mineral more
James Grandon
23:11 21 Mar 19
USME was just wonderful to work with. They were honest, forthright, and the consummate professionals. They helped me to get a great price and kept me updated through the whole process of selling my oil interests. They were very patient with me and my many phone calls and other communications. Good and pleasant folks at USME, and I had the feeling all along the way that they really cared and worked hard for me. To say I am happy with them is an more
Randy Boaz
16:37 06 Mar 19
USME orchestrated the sale of our family mineral rights. We already had a pretty high offer, but they were able to find us a buyer willing to pay even more, after a short auction (less than a week). That buyer also uses their business to help military veterans. So, it was a good deal for both more
Chris Hauge
20:42 21 Feb 19
Garrett and everyone at US Minerals is the only place to go. They explain the whole process of selling minerals and help you with every step along the way. Very kind, caring and knowledgeable of their job. Got us a very good price for our minerals. Would not go any where else. If you are thinking about selling give them a call!!!!read more
Vickie Spradlin
17:26 03 Dec 18
I had mineral rights in Oklahoma but live in Texas and had no idea how to go about selling them. I came across US Mineral Exchange and haven't looked back. The two gentleman I worked with Eric and Garrett were great! They were professional, personable and guided me through the entire process and got me a really good prices. Can't thank the enough!!read more
Tania Williams
19:55 29 Nov 18
Terra & Garrett were great. I mostly worked with Terra via e-mail. I did talk to both of them once on the phone but our transaction was a little trail tracking with the property going back to 1925 it was a lot of connecting the dots. We worked together to get the deal done & fairly quickly even with a few extra steps. Thank you again Terra & more
19:24 06 Nov 18
This was my first time using us mineral exchange and I highly recommend their services! They are attentive, always return phone calls & emails and are most definitely professionals in their field! Plus you get a fair market price for your more
Robert Hill
00:34 27 Oct 18
Garrett and Eric were great to work with and found a buyer above my asking price. They made the sales transaction very smooth and easy. Their instructions for the closing process were very detailed and easy to follow. I would certainly recomend their services,to more
Alyce Nunn
03:18 24 Oct 18
This process was so easy. The gentlemen at US Mineral Exchange were very helpful. If something came up, they were knowledgeable and quick to respond. From beginning to end all my questions were answered and my mind set at ease. I couldn't be happier with the entire experience. Thank you US Mineral Exchange!read more
Janet Opitz
18:22 01 Oct 18
My experience with U.S. Mineral Exchange was excellent. Garrett was wonderful to work with. He was very professional and answered any questions that I had. I inherited some mineral rights and was not sure what to expect, but the bidding process went smooth on my end and I feel that Garrett did an excellent job making sure that I got a good price. I highly recommend anyone thinking or wanting to sell their mineral rights to get in contact with U.S. Mineral Exchange. Janet Opitzread more
honey keyes
23:05 14 Aug 18
Years ago I inherited Mineral Rights---but that's all I knew! Had NO idea what they really were or how to determine their value! I'd received lots of unsolicited offers with a variety of purchase amounts over the years. When I finally decided to sell my Rights, I had NO CLUE how best to help myself in this process! Research kept pointing me to US Mineral Exchange---and it was the smartest call I could have made!! Garrett, my agent, was professional, patient, informative, prompt, insisted I feel No Pressure and that I understood all Final Decisions with regard to their sale were mine alone. He "walked next to me" from Start to Sale! If you, too, don't know what your Oil, Gas or Mineral rights can mean for you in that market place, contact USME and get educated! Guaranteed---you won't regret it!! I had an all-around EXCELLENT experience! Thanks, more
Jackie Hinerman
18:50 20 Jul 18
Had a great experience with US Mineral. Listed the mineral rights and received an offer within a week. Offer was higher than previous offers from other companies. Closing transaction went smoothly and was fast. Rep was very knowledgeable and responded to my questions more
Christy Thompson
16:49 14 Jun 18
We had inherited property when my Mom passed and honestly we didn't know what to do with it. We were getting paid $17.00 in royalties a year and paying $398. in taxes. So my brothers and I decided to sell. So I did a lot of Googling and found US Mineral Exchange, I liked that they were local, same state as me. I filled out their questionnaire and sent it off and in less than 45 minutes I got a phone call from a person not some computer and such. Now I have to say that the people at US Mineral Exchange were so helpful and patient with explaining what paperwork I needed to find and how to get titles straightened out, and when there was a blip they were very nice on helping me learn what was needed to be done to smooth things out. So in my opinion if you have some mineral rights and would like to sell them contact Jeff at the US Mineral Exchange . Like I said very knowledgeable, helpful, quick in returning emails or phone calls and worked hard to get us the best price. All around a very good experience I would highly recommend more
Lula West
01:24 08 Jun 18
Eric and Garrett were very professional and answered all my questions along the way, even on a holiday weekend, which made it very smooth and stress free for us.They not only got us more than we expected for our mineral rights, but they also understood that we were hoping to get the transaction completed in a short amount of time. They not only did this, but got it done even sooner than we had hoped, and the funds into our account in a very quick manner. We are nearing retirement and I have had health issues recently, so decided to move forward on buying the travel trailer we dreamed of having when we retired. Selling our mineral rights made that dream come true for us, and Eric and Garrett helped us achieve that goal without worry. The trailer we had our eye on, the Airstream Nest, just came out last month and we had a vacation planned at the end of this month. By getting the funds from our sale in a timely manner, we were able to get the one the dealer had coming off the assembly line in time to take on vacation with us! Otherwise it would have been at least a 6 week wait. Our dream of owning an Airstream is coming true! We are so grateful to Eric and Garrett for their superb service! I highly recommend using US Mineral Exchange!read more
Gary Knowls
20:56 04 May 18
We had been considering selling a portion of our gas royalties and after several offers (and they were all over the place) I knew I needed help to make a good decision. After a good deal of research, I found US Mineral Exchange. Eric provided detailed information about what to expect and Garrett led me through the whole process keeping informed and addressing any concerns I had as they popped up. I could not imagine that I there is a better outfit and a more customer focused group in the business. THANK YOUread more
Patrice B
23:24 01 May 18
It was a pleasant experience doing business with US Exchange. Both Eric Winegar and later, Garrett Phelan were patient with me and my questions. They are truly professional, and knowledgeable. I am from California and I had some mineral acreage in Texas I wanted to sell. But I had zero experience in this sort of thing, i.e how to advertise, how to approach my target audience; I didn't even know what the true value of my property was. Through the years of my owning the property, I had offers to buy it, ranging from $300 to $1400 per acre. I found US Mineral Exchange from my google search. I was impressed with the positive reviews, and was greatly reassured after talking with Eric. It took less than 4 months for my property to get sold. The Company did all the leg work for me, including screening for the best offers. Because the commission the Company gets comes from the buyer, not the seller, people like me are assured that whatever final figures that are arrived at, are the more
Donna MscDonald
14:57 26 Apr 18
My sister and I recently inherited mineral rights. Frankly, we had no idea what they were or where to go for help if we wanted to sell them. I was very worried our ignorance on the subject would put us at a real disadvantage. I found information about the US Mineral Exchange on a royalty owners website. Jeff educated, counseled and guided us through every step. He was always responsive within 24 hours, taking the time to explain current market trends that might affect our decisions. I asked a million questions and got detailed responses - sometimes more than once...or twice...or as many times as I needed in order to understand. Jeff was patient and thorough. At every turn I felt confident we knew our options. We could not have asked for better representation and guidance. I always felt we were as much a priority as their biggest client. In the end, we sold 35 of our 100+ mineral acres, and I am convinced that there was no other place we could have received the kind of comprehensive, expert service we did at the Mineral Exchange. It is with absolutely no reservation that I recommend them to everyone - knowledgeable or not - who is looking for help selling minerals. And, the best part is...we did not pay anything out of pocket for their expert attention. We kept 100% of the selling price! I am convinced my sister and I received the best possible representation, plus…we had the bonus of working with the most knowledgeable and pleasant people on the planet - my "friends" at the US Mineral more
Scott Westover
18:42 23 Mar 18
Eric and Garrett were both a pleasure to work with and very responsive. They were not pushy and in my experience were truly working in everyone's best interest. They made the process of selling my parents oil and gas interest an easy and painless process. I would highly recommend working with more
Suzanne Magee
21:45 02 Mar 18
They made selling a portion of my mineral interests easy, and got me more money than I was offered on my own. Very responsive to my questions.
deanna gay
07:31 27 Dec 17
My aunt and myself owned mineral shares on adjacent parcels of land in Eddy county, New Mexico. We both received offers in the mail to purchase those rights. After contacting one of those companies, my aunt and I both experienced high pressure sales pitches. My aunt ended up selling her mineral rights to one of these companies. I did some research on the internet, and contacted the US Mineral Exchange. I received more than 6 times the amount per acre my aunt received. She was bullied and harassed and intimidated into selling her rights. My experience with the mineral exchange could not have been more different. After listing, offers came in quickly, and were relayed to me without any high pressure sales or suggestion that I must act quickly or lose the opportunity. Contact with Eric from the US Mineral Exchange was always pleasant, he was polite and supportive, and provided information which helped me make my decision to sell without feeling pressured. I could not be more pleased, and only wish my aunt had known about it in time to benefit. I highly, highly recommend the service. Once the sale was complete and documents filed, payment was promptly and securely relayed to my bank. There was no cost to me, no high pressure sales, and I received so much more money for my mineral rights. Thank you, thank you, thank you. sincerely, Deanna Brown of more
Theresa Phillips
15:42 01 Dec 17
Had a wonderful selling experience! Eric Winegar was Professional, knowledgeable and courteous. Kept me updated throughout the process. Would recommend mineral interest owners/buyers to choose U S Mineral Exchange. Five Stars!!!
Scott P'Pool
15:38 01 Nov 17
Eric with US Mineral Exchange was exceptional to work with during my transaction. He was knowledgeable, helpful, and patient with my questions. The resulting payout I received was more than double of what I was able to find on my own. I am extremely glad that I reached out to the US Mineral Exchange. Scottread more
Oneta Hammans
14:41 26 Oct 17
Our experience with US Mineral Exchange was very positive. Eric W. worked with us from start to finish and was always available to us to explain the process and answer questions.The process for selling my mineral rights took a little longer than some, but Eric was always available to explain the glitches to me. Eric always conducted the business affairs with the greatest professionalism and integrity. I would highly recommend US Mineral Exchange to anyone wanting to sell their more
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Common Questions

The more information you can provide about your property the better!  We can give you a better idea about the value of selling mineral rights if you provide more information.  The most important thing we need is for you to answer the questions and provide your state and county.

If you have the required documents to list, providing those is extremely helpful!

Absolutely not!  When you inquire at US Mineral Exchange we will not be putting any pressure on you to sell.  We will help answer any questions you have whether you are interested in selling or not.

We typically respond to inquiries in less than 12 hours and usually within hours of submitting the contact form. At US Mineral Exchange our goal is to be available to mineral owners as a resource so we pride ourselves on quickly replying and communicating with mineral owners.

At US Mineral Exchange, we take privacy very seriously. We will NEVER sell your information or use it without your consent. When you send us documentation or tell us about your property, that information does not go outside our company without your consent. Even when you list a property for sale on our website, we strictly control who has access to the information about your listing so that only legitimate buyers will be able to see property details.

Many mineral owners make the mistake of getting an offer and quickly selling.   They then accept an offer far below market value because they felt pressure to sell.   There is nearly always a better price available.

Imagine you were selling a home.  Would you get the best price from a random person who walks up and makes you an offer?  No way!  Now imagine you list the home on the MLS where thousands of potential buyers know your house is for sale.   The key to getting the best price is competition.  Our guide to selling mineral rights explains everything.

The reason that so many mineral owners decide to sell mineral rights at US Mineral Exchange is access to our large network of mineral rights buyers. Our goal is to help you get top dollar for selling mineral rights by getting your property in front of a huge audience of buyers. This allows buyers to compete against one another which ensures you get fair market value for selling mineral rights.

There are absolutely no cost to list your property.  When you locate a buyer by listing your property with us, we are paid a commission directly by the buyers closing agent. This means you never have any out of pocket expenses ever.  We only get paid if we can get you a better price than the current offer you have in hand.


Download our free mineral rights guide now! Learn more about your mineral rights.