Mineral Rights Value in Oklahoma
If you want to know about Mineral Rights Value in Oklahoma you’ve come to the right place. Finding reliable information online can be difficult. The reason is that nearly every website you stumble across is trying to buy mineral rights. Mineral rights buyers are not motivated to provide you with the best information. Instead they simply wish to purchase your property.
At US Mineral Exchange, we do not buy mineral rights. Our goal is to help mineral owners become more informed about their property. In addition, we assist mineral owners in selling mineral rights for maximum value. If you want to know more about mineral rights value in Oklahoma the information below should be extremely helpful.

Download our free mineral rights guide now! Learn more about your mineral rights.

Garrett Phelan
CEO of US Mineral Exchange with over 26 years of experience in the oil and gas industry and nearly two decades spent helping clients navigate the complexities of the mineral rights industry.
Value of Producing Mineral Rights
The Mineral Rights Value in Oklahoma for producing mineral rights is easy to determine. If you are currently receiving royalties checks each month, this means you have producing mineral rights. The value of producing mineral rights are easier to determine because your monthly income gives an indication of it’s value.
As a ball park estimate, you an expect to get between 4 years to 6 years times the average amount you receive each month. This amount is going to vary depending on a number of factors. To see how much your Oklahoma oil and gas royalties are worth, enter the amount you receive each month in the first box below:
Royalty Calculator

When you sell royalties in Oklahoma, you can expect to receive approximately as much as the calculator above shows. The Mineral Rights Value in Oklahoma is highly dependent on getting your property in front of the right buyers so you can receive fair market value.
Value of Non-Producing Mineral Rights
Unfortunately the Mineral Rights Value in Oklahoma for non-producing properties is more difficult. There is no Zillow for mineral rights. The value of mineral rights is based on what a buyer is willing to pay today for your property. Without any royalty income it comes down to what buyers think the future income might be.
For non-producing properties, the Mineral Rights Value in Oklahoma could be anywhere from a few hundred dollars per acre to $5,000+/acre. It really depends on which county your property is located in.
Maximize Mineral Rights Value in Oklahoma
It’s very important to understand that the Mineral Rights Value in Oklahoma is based on locating the right buyer. Whether you are selling producing or non-producing mineral rights, you need to find the buyer who can pay the highest possible value. One of the most common mineral owners mistakes is getting an unsolicited offer to sell mineral rights and selling immediately.
To get maximum value for your property, you need to get your property in front of a large number of buyers. Allowing these buyers to compete allows you to evaluate multiple offers. You can then select the best offer that meets your needs. There are literally thousands of mineral rights buyers out there. You could spend days contacting these buyers and just scratch the surface.
Sell Mineral Rights with US Mineral Exchange
When you list mineral rights with US Mineral Exchange, you are gaining access to thousands of qualified buyers. Creating a listing with us is like putting your home on the MLS. It alerts buyers that a new property is available. Buyers will then evaluate your property and start submitting bids. The Mineral Rights Value in Oklahoma is going to be higher when your property is seen by thousands of buyers.
The best part about listing with US Mineral Exchange is that there is no cost to list, no obligation to accept an offer, and no fees when you sell mineral rights. Listing your property is with us is truly a risk free way to see what buyers are willing to pay for your property. To get started simply create an account with us or fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
Contact US Mineral Exchange:
If you have questions about your mineral rights, we’re here to help! We speak with mineral owners every day and we look forward to hearing from you. Please don’t hesitate to fill out the form below with any questions and our friendly team will respond quickly.
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The more information you can provide about your property the better! We can give you a better idea about the value of selling mineral rights if you provide more information. The most important thing we need is for you to answer the questions and provide your state and county.
If you have the required documents to list, providing those is extremely helpful!
Absolutely not! When you inquire at US Mineral Exchange we will not be putting any pressure on you to sell. We will help answer any questions you have whether you are interested in selling or not.
At US Mineral Exchange, we take privacy very seriously. We will NEVER sell your information or use it without your consent. When you send us documentation or tell us about your property, that information does not go outside our company without your consent. Even when you list a property for sale on our website, we strictly control who has access to the information about your listing so that only legitimate buyers will be able to see property details.
Many mineral owners make the mistake of getting an offer and quickly selling. They then accept an offer far below market value because they felt pressure to sell. There is nearly always a better price available.
Imagine you were selling a home. Would you get the best price from a random person who walks up and makes you an offer? No way! Now imagine you list the home on the MLS where thousands of potential buyers know your house is for sale. The key to getting the best price is competition. Our guide to selling mineral rights explains everything.
The reason that so many mineral owners decide to sell mineral rights at US Mineral Exchange is access to our large network of mineral rights buyers. Our goal is to help you get top dollar for selling mineral rights by getting your property in front of a huge audience of buyers. This allows buyers to compete against one another which ensures you get fair market value for selling mineral rights.
There are absolutely no cost to list your property. When you locate a buyer by listing your property with us, we are paid a commission directly by the buyers closing agent. This means you never have any out of pocket expenses ever. We only get paid if we can get you a better price than the current offer you have in hand.

Download our free mineral rights guide now! Learn more about your mineral rights.